Firework safety:

There are nearly 9,000 emergency room injuries associated with fireworks each year, and approximately 40 percent of those injuries involve children under the age of 15. This is according to an annual study done by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Here are some guidelines to ensure fireworks safety on our Nation’s Birthday.

  • Never give fireworks to small children, and always follow the instructions on the packaging. (23 percent of reported injuries happen to children under age 5.)
  • Keep a bucket of water or a hose close by as a precaution.
  • Please obey the local laws. Do not use illegal fireworks.
  • Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
  • Don’t alter or combine fireworks.
  • Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight “a dud.”
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  • Never point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures, or flammable materials.

Water safety at the pool and beach:

  • Never swim alone, especially if you are swimming in the ocean, a lake, or a river.
  • Do not headfirst into the water unless the area is marked for diving.
  • Keep all safety equipment in plain view of the pool.
  • Remove all toys from the pool when not in use so kids aren’t tempted to reach for them.
  • Teach children essential water safety tips, including how to find the nearest wall and how to pull themselves out of the pool.
  • If a child is missing, check the pool first. Go to the pool’s edge and scan the entire pool bottom and surface and the surrounding pool area.

Safe Grilling:

  • Keep grills away from wood siding, deck rails, house eaves, or any other wood or combustible material.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher near the barbeque as they cause thousands of fires a year.
  • Follow all safety restrictions that come with the manual.
  • Keep your grill clean, as grease buildup can be a considerable fire hazard.
  • Do not allow children or pets near the barbeque.
  • Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.
  • Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use.

Additional Safety Resources: