As the temperatures are dropping, fire and freeze-up claims both steadily rise.   To decrease both the frequency and severity of these types of claims, we want to spend the next two blog posts providing you with tips to avoid both house fires and frozen pipes.   The post this week will focus specifically on preventing fires.

Fire Prevention Tips:

1. Woodstoves and Fireplaces: Inspect and clean chimneys and stove pipes regularly and at least twice a year. Keep combustible materials away from the heat source and dispose of any ashes in a fireproof container.
2. Furnaces: Ensure your furnace is at least serviced and inspected annually by a licensed technician.
3. Fire Extinguishers: If you have a wood stove or fireplace, you should have at least one fire extinguisher handy.
4. Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Check all smoke detectors to ensure they function correctly. If you do not have a carbon monoxide detector, we recommend you install at least one near either the furnace or bedrooms inside the house.
5. Fire Drills: Although it may sound corny, practicing fire drills with your family may save their lives. Teach your family what to do and where to meet in an emergency.
6. Wiring: If you have an older home, it is worth the investment to have a licensed electrician check all the wiring in the house. Older systems have trouble handling the energy requirements of new homes and can present a severe fire hazard.
7. Electrical Outlets: Don’t overload or overuse extension cords.
8. Space Heaters: Don’t ever leave space heaters unattended, and make sure there aren’t any combustible materials nearby.

For more information on preventing fire inside your home or if you would like to find out how The Holste Agency can help you save money on your homeowner’s insurance premiums, please get in touch with our office today.